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Leonie Guerrero Lara to give talk online at international CSA network Urgenci on May, 9th: registration link
As part of a larger e-training on political advocacy of the SALSIFI programme (Supporting Advanced Learning for Stakeholders Involved in Sustainable Food-systems Initiatives), Leonie Guerrero Lara will give a talk based on her research on political advocacy of the German CSA network, covering different strategies of, as well as resources and skills for advocacy. The…
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Julia Spanier presents at Urban Inhabitation conference in Sheffield
Julia Spanier presented a paper titled ‘Rural-urban care? Interrogating the transformation of city-countryside relations in community-supported agriculture‘ at the Urban Inhabitation in the Anthropocene conference at the University of Sheffield. Abstract In line with a relational ontology of space and place , I propose to think urban inhabitation by transgressing the conventionally set ‘boundaries’ of…
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Leonie Guerrero Lara and Julia Spanier gave a workshop at the spring gathering of the German CSA network
Julia Spanier and Leonie Guerrero Lara gave a workshop titled “Degrowth, Ernährung & Landwirtschaft” (Degrowth, Food and Agriculture) at the 2023 spring gathering of the German CSA network (Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft). The workshop was based on the findings of their joint research on a potential coalition between the German CSA and Degrowth movements, and ended…
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Guilherme Raj presented at the American Association of Geographers 2023
Last Sunday, Guilherme Raj presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) 2023 annual meeting in Denver. His presentation “Selective, reciprocal and quiet: Lessons from rural queer empowerment in community-supported agriculture” is based on his latest research around queer farmers in Portugal which will be publish in the near future.
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Leonie Guerrero Lara presented at the Fachtag Solidarische Landwirtschaft 2023
Last week, Leonie Guerrero Lara gave a presentation ‘Where does the movement stand today, how does it define and delimit itself?’ which is based on her paper titled ‘Who are “we”? Boundary work of Community Supported Agriculture in Germany and Italy’ and participated in a panel discussion together with Philipp Degens and Lukas Lapschieß von…
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Giuseppe Feola discussed project publications at KTH
Today Giuseppe Feola gave a guest lecturer at the Graduate School on ‘Reflexive and Critical Perspectives on Sustainability Transitions’ at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). He discussed the following papers with an engaged audience of early-career sustainability transition scholars: Feola, G. 2020. Capitalism in sustainability transitions research: Time for a critical turn? Environmental Innovation and…
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Jacob Smessaert presented at the Deep Commons 2022 Conference
Jacob Smessaert presented at the Deep Commons 2022 Conference. Jacob presented work on eco-anarchism in the panel session ‘Towards Radical Ecological Democracy’. Presentation abstract: This paper assesses recent literature on ecological democracy (ED) through an analytical framework comprising the following dimensions: actors, praxis and processes, and institutions. We find that the main limitations of current…
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Laura van Oers and Julia Spanier presented at the Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference
Laura van Oers and Julia Spanier presented at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference. Laura presented the paper titled ‘The Politics of Deliberate Destabilisation for Sustainability Transitions’ (see abstract below) in the session on ‘New and critical geographies of innovation’. Julia presented the paper titled ‘Disrupting capitalist countrysides: (un)making rural pasts, presents…
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Jacob Smessaert and Giuseppe Feola presented at SASE 2022
Jacob Smessaert and Giuseppe Feola presented papers at the 34th Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics in Amsterdam (9-11 July). Jacob presented a paper titled ‘Democratic Praxis in Agrifood Collectives: Transforming Politics for Social-Ecological Transformation‘, while Giuseppe presented a ppapert titled ‘The Schismogenic Hypothesis: Reading Alternatives to Capitalism As Processes of Conscious…
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Laura van Oers and Jacob Smessaert presented research on Participatory Guarantee Systems
Laura van Oers and Jacob Smessaert presented at two events organized by the Dutch Community Supported Agriculture Network and the Buurmarkt Goedvolk on 28 June and 6 July. They presented results of their research on the participatory process set up to accompany the set up of a Participatory Guarantee System in the Netherlands. More information…
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