UNMAKING: a research programme on the disruption of capitalism in societal transformation to sustainability


Three UNMAKING team presentations at the 5th NEST conference

Three memebers of the UNMAKING team presented at the 5th Network for Early career researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) Conference ‘Widening Sustainability Transitions’ on 7-8 May 2020.

Giuseppe Feola gave a keynote talk titled ‘Why sustainability transition research cannot ignore capitalism‘, which discussed some of the ideas presented in this paper.

Laura van Oers presented her paper ‘Sustainability transitions and exnovation: broadening an emerging research field with insights from political economy‘ and Guilherrme Raj presented his paper ‘Sociopolitical change in sustainability transitions: when power relations shape and are shaped by transformations in agri-food grassroots initiatives‘. More information on Laura’s and Guilherme’s PhD research projects is available here.